Calling all Slingers and fellow aviators! Spring is here! Come and join us at Brits Airfield as the Brits Flying Club hosts the 2019 SUN n FUN weekend! 8 to 10 November, the weekend commences on Friday with main activities taking place on Saturday and departure later on Sunday.
Although all Sling Aircraft to fly in will receive a gift from our limited edition merch store, befitting an EAA event, aircraft of all shapes and sizes, factory build or kit build, plans build or scratch build are invited to join.
Please REGISTER HERE in order to indicate your intention and assist the Brits Flying Club in understanding what facilities will be required.
Some info that may be helpful is noted below:
Co-ordinates: S25.533, E27.7756
Elevation: 3740ft
Rwy 02/20 asphalt – 900m (LH circuit for 20 & RH circuit 02)
AFIS 124.2MHz
Fuel – Avgas available. Mogas on request
Increased flying activity due to Fly In activity taking place.
NOTAM available on CAA website.
Note that the tower will be manned as follows :
Validity Period: 08-09 November 2019
(08Nov 12h00-17h00 SA Time & 09Nov 07h30-17h00 SA Time)
Lateral Limits: Circle Radius 5NM centered FABS
Vertical Limits: GND/2500 FT AGL
Call Sign: Brits Radio
Frequency: 120.2 MHz
Class of airspace: Class G
Although this is a weekend to socialise, we do have some events that are programmed:
Friday 8 November
12h00 – Arrivals welcome
12h00-16h00 – Light lunch snacks available at the Club
13h00-16h00 – AFIS in operation on 124.2MHz
17h00 – Casual Braai with Braai packs
Saturday 9 November
Arrivals welcome all day
07h00-11h00 – Breakfast available at the Club
08h30-09h00 – Adventure Rally briefing (Spot landing on return landing)
11h00-12h00 – Spot landing slots TBC for non-rally participants
10h00-13h00 – Rally competition and awards
11h30-16h00 – Light Lunch meals and pancakes available
17h30 – Buffet Dinner & Karaoke evening
Sunday 10 November
07h00-11h00 – Breakfast
Rob Jonkers is putting together another lovely activity for us to enjoy, while testing our flying & navigating skills @ only R150 per team.
Please register so that they can plan for the correct number of contestants.
Payment can be made on the morning to Rob Jonkers at the briefing
Please try and bring a few utensils along to help you – pens & pencils, highlighter and some prestik to display photos in the cockpit.
Bring your tent and camp under the stars, or under your aircraft wing….
Camping is not only permitted but encouraged!
Neil Bowden has an Oshkosh Reunion for this weekend, so come along and join them.
For those that prefer all the creature comforts, accommodation is available in close proximity. VIEW HERE
Frank Persson has kindly offered to host a karaoke sing-a-long on Saturday evening.
Come for the day or stay for the weekend but let’s all agree to make SUN ‘n FUN 2019, the best ever!