Dear Sling Aircraft owners,
Following the announcement by President Ramaphosa on the eve of 09 April 2020 that the National Lock Down will be extended by a further two weeks, Sling Aircraft will not be able to resume production now until Friday the 1st of May. The impact on production is a further nine work days of lost production time. As per our previous plan, we endeavour to work as much overtime and as many weekends as possible to catch up the lost time in as short a period as possible, minimising the impact on delivery times as much as possible.
We thank you for your understanding and support during this difficult time. Should you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me on [email protected].
Stay safe and stay home!
Kind Regards,
Andrew Pitman
Managing Director
Sling Aircraft
Dear Sling Aircraft owners,
After the announcement in South Africa by President Ramaphosa last night, that the country will be in lockdown from midnight 26 March 2020 to midnight 16 April 2020, Sling Aircraft will be closing its offices as directed by the President. Although the lockdown is for 21 days, there are only 13 work days during this period, and this will only affect production staff. Arrangements have been made for administrative, engineering, sales, marketing, IT and management to continue working as much as possible from home.
This will unfortunately cause some delays to expected delivery dates, however we are minimising the delays by working additional overtime hours on return, and all Saturdays full days until we have managed to catch up the production lime lost.
Sling Aircraft is in the lucky position now to be able to continue to pay our staff through extended periods of shut down, as the business is doing well, is in a positive cash flow position and is making money.
Please rest assured that we will do everything in our power to catch up lost time as quickly as possible, and that there is no risk financially to the business for the foreseeable future. Our attitude is that although this is a major knock to the entire world, we are excited and motivated to come back after the shutdown with energy and determination.
I would ask that each and every one of you abide by the lockdown instructions, issued by the Governments around the world. Stay safe and maintain personal hygiene at every opportunity you have. I wish you good health during these troubling times and look forward to being back in full force on the 17th of April.
Kind Regards,
Andrew Pitman
Managing Director
Sling Aircraft
Download The Sling Aircraft Production Arrangements During COVID-19 Official Letter