“If you go on the Earthrounders.com website and search for completed globe circumnavigations by single-engine aircraft, you will see plenty of Cessna Caravans, Pilatus PC-12s, Beech Bonanzas, Mooneys, Piper Saratogas, Cherokee Sixes, and Malibus. With their massive useful loads, these airplanes were able to easily tanker the extra fuel needed to safely transition the longest over-ocean legs of such a journey.
What you will not see are very many light sport airplanes.
When you do the math, it appears nearly impossible to carry enough fuel in an LSA for an around-the-world flight with two pilots aboard plus required safety gear for extended overwater operations. But on two different earthrounder missions, pilots from Sling Aircraft in South Africa were able to circle the globe in heavily modified LSA’s.”
– Dan Pimentel (Flying Magazine)