“As Pliny the elder said – Semper aliquid dubitationem ex Africa – Things are always a little uncertain in Africa (or something like that).
Not even I, as leader and co-chief organiser, could pretend that the Sling Africa Tour 2023 was an oiled machine. But, in the spirit of Sling adventures, there was, I think, enough of a bread-crumb trail to provide direction, bundled up with enough uncertainty to ensure a good deal of spontaneity and excitement. Fortunately, fate conspired to ensure that just about the finest collection of aviators on earth gathered at the Fish River Canyon Lodge on Monday 8 May. That is, not necessarily the ‘collection of the finest aviators’, in the more common, aviation sense of the phrase, but the finest gathering of humanity, all aviators. And perhaps actually only the finest in Southern Namibia. On that day. Or something like that.”
-James Pitman
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